Categories: IT Outsourcing

The Significance of Quality Assurance (QA) in Product Development

QA or Quality Assurance is the process of guaranteeing good quality management of processes and systems in building a product. It is a part of a company’s Quality

Management System and focuses on continuously improving the production process. How important is it for product development? Simply put, it creates an atmosphere of confidence that all quality requirements in a product are fulfilled as it is created.

QA is not restricted to the validation of the product, such as if it has met quality standards or if it is bug-free. Product validation belongs to the other process in quality management, which is Quality Control (QC). QC’s focus is on ensuring the product itself is defect-free after it is produced.


Reasons Why QA has Significant Impact on Product Development

To be specific, decreasing the chances of bug occurrence and analysing if the company standards are met are just two of the processes involved in QA. With that, listed below are 3 important reasons to include QA in your product development planning.

  1. Escalation of the product based on first impression
    • Digital platforms are often offered to users as a solution. However, one will never last if the customers themselves do not see your software as a solution. For example, if your app’s features seem to directly address their needs, they would eagerly try out your product. But what if your app failed to impress them because the product didn’t pass a QA test? What if the app’s quality did not surpass their expectations? The app will swiftly be tainted with bad reviews and recovering the market’s trust will be difficult.


  2. Founded on Solid Teamwork
    • Aside from software testing, QA also aims to lay out plans and documentation for the entire team. Qualitative and quantitative processes are necessary for QA. The harmonious participation of a reliable quality assurance analyst as well as other members in the QA department is crucial to ensuring that the development process produces defect-free output all throughout the project timeline.


  3. Improves Company Reputation
    • Software quality assurance is a prime aspect for any firm producing digital solutions. Customers – may they be end-users or enterprises, will most likely feel assured that your app is satisfactory when they discover that you have an efficient quality management system. From there, we can say that the standardised quality is achieved with the help of QA.


The Essence of Planning in QA


One word to condense the idea of QA is planning. Plans include eliminating software errors (that will be performed by the QC once the process ensures such errors are not results of the process but by other events), and on how the team will work on the continuous cycle of improving the platform. In addition to that, QC performs various tests depending on the scheme suggested by the QA. Therefore, you can save on expenses and time on performing those software tests if QA is properly executed.


Now, Where to?

The significance of quality assurance in creating software and applications cannot be refuted. If you have a digital product and want to make sure it’s performing up to par with the competition, you might want to seek the help of a QA analyst to assess your app or software. With the help of such professionals, testing can be conducted in a snap, whether you are new to QA, or you have an existing system with you.

Many companies turn to digital solutions experts such as Frontline, a Singapore-based tech firm that provides not only QA services but also user experience research, among others. For questions regarding our services at Frontline or to know more about our company, click here.

Frontline App Magazine

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Frontline App Magazine

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